Fortress Forever

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zE 03-15-2008 08:16 PM

[WIP]ff_medieval by Elmo
This map is being made entirely by Elmo
The map as it is for now, its perfect for an OvD gamestyle.

GeoKill-----> 03-15-2008 08:23 PM

Thats a fucking bad ass map

Elmo 03-15-2008 08:30 PM

lol thanks geokill

try to figure this out then... my own DED server hosts the map fine?! only other server I've tried it on is our =AS= INX server which crashes without fail. Can someone try it on one of their servers just to see if it hosts ok? Really confused as to whats wrong.

I've tried a striped down version but that dont work. might try it with only world geometry and spawns :/ I think its something very simple.. or not. who knows.

Oh for anyone who looks at the map the FR is very temporary depending on how well the front of the base plays in beta. But i cant beta test it cause i cant host it anywhere!!

GeoKill-----> 03-15-2008 09:11 PM

I'll try to host this on the e0 server when i get back from work

Elmo 03-15-2008 09:26 PM

ah right, got it to host with only world geom. tbh i think i can fix this myself now, hadn't PROPERLY tried before :p

Elmo 03-15-2008 11:02 PM

IT WORKS. sorted it. was the damn ladders.... how retarded!


Dr.Satan 03-16-2008 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Elmo-
IT WORKS. sorted it. was the damn ladders.... how retarded!


can you give more detail on that? I would like to know for future reference what not to do lol.

Also this looks sweet and I want to play it now!

zE 03-16-2008 08:40 AM

Now the map its playable online:) Played it 2 hours ago.
Soz had to take the dowload link off, cuse im not ok with sharing all the server info with all plp tbh. But anyway gonna try to upload the latest version of it in some host files server.

Lt Llama 03-16-2008 11:09 AM

There is so much mapping talent in this forum. Been lurking around TFC for to long, so mapping like this makes me feel years behind. If you can, could you put up a bigger SS of the first SS? As a matter of fact, could you remake and post bigger SS of all of them? I think there are lots of details we can't see now. I want to see the yard, and displacements, closer look at lights, and what looks like a very nice ceiling in pic 5. If I should be nitpicking then the entrance looks a bit blocky, more of a modern architecture rather than a medieval. Dunno why, but I like dark maps with various light ideas creating an ambient feeling. But I know others get depressed.

Elmo 03-16-2008 12:46 PM

yeah I'm gonna finish this beta now the map runs on a server and now my hammers working. Why in gods name in 3D view options in hammer do they have "REVERSE SELECTION ORDER", Its probably just me but i cant see how useful that'd be! Took me a little while thinking that my hammer was broken when it wasnt. :p

Anyway yeah, Dr Satan, with regards to the problem in my map, I was an idiot and tried to use HL2 ladders like these:
I also had the func_ladders underneath. As it worked offline so I thought it wouldnt matter if I had both. Something so stupid causing the server to crash!!

Lt Llama, yeah I'll make a release 'soon' with alot of pics, but I also have alot of uni work to do! I agree the front is a little blocky, maybe someday I'll sort that, but I'm mainly concerned with playability atm. Heres some other imgs for you.


People want the red base in the beta rather than just testing OvD :/ More work for me before release!! :(

DD` 03-16-2008 06:10 PM

Looks awesome in them bigger pics, gj.

Dr.Satan 03-17-2008 02:28 PM

ah...ok thank you, so are the file not going to be released? I would host this if that's the problem or you can use filefront or something, but I would really like to get the .lua for this and host it on the UGC server (possibly in leagues as well depending on how it plays).

Elmo 03-17-2008 07:17 PM

Well at the moment unfortuneatly I have alot of uni work to do for the beginning of next month, 3 large coding assignments. And ALSO my band is playing our first gig the end of this month and so I'm preparing for that. I'll work on the map when I can but it has to take a back seat for a month or so.But then I finish uni for the year and then I have 2/3 months of doing what the hell I like before I go to swtizerland for a year (just told you my life story lol).

So in reality I could finish the map within the next two months.

People wanted the first beta to include both the red and blue bases but I'm starting to believe it's too much work for little benefit. So an OvD beta will be out soon. I'll message you personally Dr Satan if you wish :)

My Problems when adding second base
  • Extra lighting required/second sun to accomdate the current "sun" position on the map making the red base much darker. I may just Up the ambient light as it is very dark at the moment but I think it'd rather just spend the time adding real lights into the map cause it'd look better in the long run.
  • ALOT of ropes in my map, so many ropes infact that when I add the second base, If you go into spectator and try to get an overview of the map it crashes the game with a particular error (I'll add the error it later). So i need to find a work around, any1 good at 3DSmax wanna make a string of ropes for me?! lol
  • Reaching func_detail brush limit, but i think I can turn some into props by myself.

It's NOT just as easy as rotating the bass and changeing the colours.. If only it was!!

Dr.Satan 03-17-2008 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Elmo-
I'll message you personally Dr Satan if you wish

yes please!

Also no problem we all (well most of us) have lives that come first.

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