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Old 10-08-2007, 08:15 AM   #5
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Originally Posted by Ihmhi
Oh, you are just going to make all the bases the same? Come on nyronic, your work is so good... make each base look unique somehow beyond colors and logos!

"This base looks the same as that other base" is so 1998. d:
lol, well currently thats how it is cause I'm lazy, I dunno I guess I'll try to add some stuff as long as it doesn't change the layout :P

Changing every single texture and every single entity got annoying extremely quick. heh

Originally Posted by LT Llama
Whopping Nyroball for source

p.s. Its a fav on our Fun server
Really? I didn't think anybody even played it...cause TFC seemed pretty much dead at the time(at least for me, everything with a decent ping either had full bots or ran 2fort 24/7). Wish I knew cause I would of loved to actually play my own map with other people, rofl.

Anyway, if you noticed any issues gameplay wise let me know now cause its basically the same :P
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