User talk:Hirohito

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Revision as of 13:06, 24 January 2008 by DrSatan-12955 (talk | contribs)
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Your newly added weapon images

Hi! Great job with all the recently added weapon images. I was just about to do that myself...

I was thinking, with regards to the w_ model images you posted, the default background color for the model viewer really is not very good for many of the weapons (too dark and low contrast with the weapon colors). If possible, maybe you could make a version with a transparent background, or a lighter colored version? Just an idea. If you have the original tga's and don't have the software/inclination to do so, I could do it instead...? Let me know if you are going to though, I think I would try to do the same with the grenade models, for consistency's sake.

The v_ model ones look great though! --Phisionary 19:16, 28 December 2007 (CST)

Roger roger.

Posting on the forum

I've noticed you're leaving the same message in the user pages of several other WST members. I suggest posting it in the WST forum instead, that way if anyone responds, everyone will be able to see it. I think I'll start a thread on the map template subject now.. --Phisionary 00:08, 3 January 2008 (CST)

Pictures Comparing FF / TFC / TF2

wrt your suggestion (I was thinking about making pictures comparing the looks of the TFC (new/old style models), FF and TF2 models and put them in the x Player's Guide to FF. Good idea?) I think that would be a great idea! Get with me sometime and I can lock down the UGC server so we can get some really good pics of FF. Then we can start on getting them for TFC. But I would say to wait until after 2.0 as the models and what not are being changed quite a bit. DrSatan-12955 14:06, 24 January 2008 (CST)