Fortress Forever Hodgepodge
New Talent - cheney
Our search for a Map Texture Artist has been at least partially fulfulled. Please give a hearty welcome to cheney, the newest addition to the FF team. He's quite talented and is a nice guy in general! And the FF mappers rejoiced.
Developer Journals
Just a friendly reminder to check the Developer Journals if you're interested to see what we're working on and completing. The jolly FF dev team members are more consistently providing this sort of information, so visit frequently to get some satisfaction between media releases.
With All This Rain...
With all this rain we've been getting, our canals are nearly overflowing. The trepids tell me there's still some room for the water to rise, but if you don't trust them (and I know I sure don't) take a look for yourself:
Map: cz2
Demo what?
dr_nick and rebo have an interesting relationship, but their efforts produce fruitful results. They need one another, as shown in the following dialog:
dr_nick: rebo, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. Remember that?
rebo: That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me.
As a result of dr_nick keeping rebo's head intact... here we have a quick and agile creator of massive explosions and devastation. I'm not talking about rebo, anymore; I'm talking about everyone's favorite demolition man:
Unskinned model & colored concept art
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View all news posts Our search for a Map Texture Artist has been at least partially fulfulled. Please give a hearty welcome to cheney, the newest addition to the FF team. He's quite talented and is a nice guy in general! And the FF mappers rejoiced.
Developer Journals
Just a friendly reminder to check the Developer Journals if you're interested to see what we're working on and completing. The jolly FF dev team members are more consistently providing this sort of information, so visit frequently to get some satisfaction between media releases.
With All This Rain...
With all this rain we've been getting, our canals are nearly overflowing. The trepids tell me there's still some room for the water to rise, but if you don't trust them (and I know I sure don't) take a look for yourself:
Map: cz2
Demo what?
dr_nick and rebo have an interesting relationship, but their efforts produce fruitful results. They need one another, as shown in the following dialog:
dr_nick: rebo, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. Remember that?
rebo: That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me.
As a result of dr_nick keeping rebo's head intact... here we have a quick and agile creator of massive explosions and devastation. I'm not talking about rebo, anymore; I'm talking about everyone's favorite demolition man:
Unskinned model & colored concept art