
Fortress Forever 2.0 - Server available!

Posted 1 decade ago by Fortress Forever Team
EDIT: Here's the server install files:

Current list of mirrors: (will update)

Copy the files straight on top of any 1.11 install you have. Please put 2.0 in your server title so people know which server to join!


We're finally finished with the 2.0 patch!

Currently we're distributing the server package to all the mirrors we can find - if you can mirror, let us know! The server update package is only 115 MB.

Currently we are only hosting the server update package from 1.11 -> 2.0 patch. (we are not hosting the full 600 meg 2.0 server install right now)

This is because
a) 99% of people interested in running an FF server already have 1.11 running
b) If you don't have 1.11 running, you can download 1.11 full whilst you wait for us to get patch mirrors up, which gives you a headstart.
c) It gives the current server owners a little nod. (thanks for sticking with us!)

When the client installs are up, we will be hosting a 2.0 full patch (600+ meg), 1.11 -> 2.0 update patch (90 meg) and 1.0 -> 2.0 update patch (160 meg).

This means, if you don't have 1.11 installed and you want to give 2.0 a go, save some time by downloading 1.11 now!
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