
Getting Closer...

Posted 1 decade ago by Fortress Forever Team
Yep, we're getting closer. We've finished a few more playtests, and we have more to come in the near future. All of our servers are now up and running again. Woohoo!

So, it's Saturday. As you know, the FF devs don't do anything except work on FF. Since everyone was so freakin' bored, we figured, "Hey, why not show some more media?"

Huh, not a bad idea. Here you go.

P.S. the FF media page has a few more pieces waiting for you.
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Less Talk, More Treats?

Posted 1 decade ago by Fortress Forever Team
Less talk, more treats. Sometimes pictures speak louder than words.

I mentioned a short while ago that we'd brought on another staff member who has been helping out with the pre-beta activities. He's a mysterious man who often goes by the name Eduardo, but he's more commonly known as Phish. He's been spending a lot of time testing in addition to being a utility guy who helps folks with a hodgepodge of tasks. We're happy to have Phish on the FF dev. team.

Although we hit a bit of a snag with the Linux dedicated server crashing issue that was introduced in the recent SDK updates, we've got a pair of windows servers going now so we are getting back on track with the beta plans. More on this soon!

For more chips & salsa, check out our media page.
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SDK Updates, Beta News, etc.

Posted 1 decade ago by Fortress Forever Team
Dear Fortress Forever followers,

Over the last few weeks we'd made a major push toward putting together a beta version of Fortress Forever for folks to try out. Unfortunately, the Linux dedicated server crash-upon-startup issues introduced in the recent SDK updates have really put a damper on things. It seems the fine folks over at Valve are actively working the problem, and while they pound away at it we'll wait patiently and work on what we can in the meantime. Sorry for any delays, but this isn't exactly something we anticipated. (Oh, and this is not an example of a crazy conspiracy -- the Linux dedicated server issues seem to affect all mods. Figured we could squash that rumor before it started!)

Stay tuned for more updates on this issue and other FF updates / beta-related news.

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Ahhh, look over there -- a monkey!

Posted 1 decade ago by Fortress Forever Team
On Shutdown2, the engineer's sentry gun seems to protect the ramp fairly well... and who knows if the sneaky spy will trigger the switch? Watch as the mystery unfolds!

The blue team's flagroom on Monkey is also shaping up nicely, if I don't say so myself.

dr_nick's creative efforts have been the inspiration behind the bulk of the Fortress Forever class models' appearances. He's been kind enough to upload many more of his concept sketches, and here are some examples:

More new media (WIP models, sketches, screenshots, etc.) can be found on our media page. Be sure to give it a look!

Since the last update, we've added some new folks to the FF dev team. Olah and voogru have so far proven to be great additions to the FF coder group. 2d-chris has joined the mapping squad and is pushing full steam ahead. geekfeststarter and GoaT_RopeR have started helping Dr. Evil with bot scripting.

Lastly, today we finished our third coordinated playtest in three weeks. What does this all mean, you might ask? It means we're on track to have a working Fortress Forever beta version ready during the first week of August (yes, August 2006). From that point on, all FF changes will be tweaks based on playtesting, bug fixes, minor model-related updates, additional maps, etc. More news to come on that later!
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Objection, Your Honor!

Posted 1 decade ago by Fortress Forever Team
Your honor, I would like to first point out that my client was not only bamboozled, but he was thoroughly aroused by the events that took place that night. As such, he cannot be held responsible for the charges being brought against him. Throughout history, those aroused have clearly shown their primal instincts to take over and blind people, like my client, into doing things that make absolutely no sense.

If I may, judge, I'd like to present what has been entered on the docket as Exhibit A.

My client ain't even have no damn arms! How could he have possibly wielded this device? This is clearly speculative, conjecutarive, and notruative. Now, the prosecution would also have this court believe that my client subdued the victim by way of what I'd like to introduce as Exhibit J.

Your honor, such blasphemy is grounds for a mistrial, and I don't know how this court is even humoring these outrageous allegations.

I will submit, though, that there is some mild thread of truth to these claims. My client was spotted by eyewitnesses, and one managed this less than incriminating photograph.

Last time I checked, your honor, there was nothing against the law about standing around waiting to kill somebody. As for the surveillance cameras outside of my client's place of business, I find this to be an encroachment on his civil rights, and I ask that the prosecution be shot in the face for trespassing, see Exhibit F.

The mockery doesn't stop there, judge. The prosecution went to such lengths as to fabricate evidence! A little bird told me that he saw some near-naked sketches of my client's business partner, and my little bird is trained to use a camera.

Given such a blatant disregard for all that we hold true, I ask that this trial be moved out of this obviously biased venue, and to a new locale. I hired some whippersnappers to find just such a place, and they found a place I'm sure this entire court can and will agree on.

This trial is over, your honor. So, get up off me.
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