
New Official Server Provided by Full Throttle.

Posted 1 decade ago by Circuitous
We've got a new Official Server provided by Full Throttle Game Servers.

Official FF 2.1 - Server 3 - Hosted by Full Throttle

Big thanks to Nate and the crew for setting us up!
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Forum and Website Moving!

Posted 1 decade ago by Fortress Forever Team
We will be moving the website and forums to a new host within the next few days. There may be outages from time to time as content is transferred over.

Expect improvements to the site and forums as the transfer is completed.
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The Latest About Leagues

Posted 1 decade ago by Fortress Forever Team
Once again people, if you haven't already, please join the Fortress Forever Steam Group! It's the first place you'll hear about the latest, greatest FF updates!

Got a competitive streak?

There's two competitive leagues for Fortress Forever. UGC has served the community well for a year, and Team Fortress League is starting up again with support for FF in a 7v format.

There are other leagues which are in development right now and we will keep you posted on their status. But for now, if you have a clan and want to get yourselves signed up for a league, click on the banners below to get going!

Click here to go to UGC's 5vs5 FF League.

Click here to go to TFL's 7vs7 FF League.
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Radio Interview on DTP Radio!

Posted 1 decade ago by Fortress Forever Team
Before we get to the meat of this post, I'd like to bring your attenton to the Fortress Forever Steam group. Please use our convenient link to it on the frontpage or click here to join the FF Steam Group. It's usually te first place that we announce new news and other cool stuff, and we can do it in a timely manner.

Now, to the meat of the news. A few of FF's devs were interviewed on DTP Radio tonight. If you missed it, you're not out of luck - we have both streams and downloads available. And please give DTP Radio a listen, those guys are awesome!

DTP Radio are saints for having put up with us.



neTTi Show:
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FF 2.1 Server Files Available!

Posted 1 decade ago by Fortress Forever Team
Both Linux and Windows server files are now available!

If you downloaded the Windows server files earlier, then you need to download the hotfix. It contains some updated lua files as well as the linux server file:

ATTENTION: only use this hotfix if you're using a Windows server package that was released on Friday, September 12th. If you're still on 2.0, use the server packages below this hotfix.

2.1 Server Hotfix:

The following 2.1 server packages include the hotfix and will work for both Linux and Windows:

2.0 to 2.1 Server Patch Update:

Full 2.1 Server Package:

Also, if you missed the release of the client installers, check out its news post by clicking here.
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