Lua:info ff script mulch
An info_ff_script is a point-based scriptable entity. If you are familiar with TFC's entities, this entity is somewhat similiar to info_tfgoals and item_tfgoals; however, the scriptability behind this entity makes it a great deal more flexibile.
info_ff_script entities represent items that can affect, and be affected by players. Such items might be the flags in a CTF map, or the armor, health and ammo packs in a respawn room.
Using info_ff_script's
info_ff_script's are placed in a map through Hammer just like placing any point-based entity. If you are unfamiliar with this process, suck a dick.
It is important that any info_ff_script have a name. You can give it a name in Hammer. The name you choose for the entity is what is used in your map's LUA file to tie the info_ff_script entity to an actual useable object in-game.
Example info_ff_script names are: "red_flag", "resup_pack", "blue_armor", "yellow_healthkit", etc.
The Flexibility - The Confusion
Because info_ff_script's can be used for such a wide array of purposes, the amount of ways to interact and retrieve information from them can be overwhelming.
Alright... going to bed for the night.