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TFC's railgun does 23 damage per hit, but this is obviously not particularly useful for us, since we're revamping the railgun. FF's railgun bounces off walls and gets more damaging with each bounce.
- x damage on first bounce
- x damage on second bounce
- x damage on third bounce
- x damage on fourth bounce (is there a fourth?)
Shouldn't this be green on initial 1x damage, yellow after 1st bounce and 2x damage, red after 2nd bounce and 4x damage + explosion if you score a hit?
Rate of Fire
- x shots per second
Speed of Projectile
- 1500 units per second (TFC), may need tweaking.
- Whatever. 2000 units? (might have to set this to be quite low to stop random railgun bolts flying around midmap for ever)
- Reflects off surfaces to increase damage levels.