Basic Server Customizations

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Basic Server Customizations

This section will cover some of the more basic changes you may want to implement on your server.

Such as:

Changing Your Server's Name

In order to change your server's name you need to edit three files.

1. The first file you will need to edit is your autoexec.cfg.

  • You can find this file in the following directory: FortressForever/.
  • If the file doesn't exist you will need to create one.

Once you have located/created this file you need to open the file add the following two lines to it:

log on
exec server.cfg

File:Note.png Note: You need to make sure you save the changes you make to the file, upload it on your server and then stop and restart your server for the changes to take effect.

2. The second file you need to create/edit is the server.cfg file.

  • You can find this file in the following directory: FortressForever/cfg/.
  • If the file doesn't exist you will need to create one.

There are a lot of different server side settings you can put in this file, but for this example we will just deal with changing your server's name.

In your server.cfg find the line that starts with:



It should be located somewhere near the top of the file and read like this:

hostname "your server name here"

To change your server's name, simply replace the text "your server name here" with the name of the server. But make sure you leave the quotation marks in place.

File:Note.png Note: Don't forget to save the changes you make to the file and upload it on your server.

* For a more detailed tutorial on setting up your server.cfg file see the advanced scripting section *

3. The third and final file you need to edit is the valve.rc file.

  • You can find this file in the following directory: FortressForever/cfg/.

You will need to edit this file so that it looks exactly like the example below. Make sure all lines that are commented out below are commented out in your file.

FYI: Putting a set of // in front of a line comments out the variable from being read by the server.

When completed the file should look like the one below:

// load the base configuration
//exec default.cfg

// Setup custom controller
exec joystick.cfg

// run a user script file if present
exec autoexec.cfg

// stuff command line statements

//disable this for now.

//hostname "your server name"

//mp_prematch 0
//mp_forcerespawn 0

//sv_allowdownload 1
//sv_allowupload 1

Review: The only lines that should NOT be commented out are:

exec joystick.cfg
exec autoexec.cfg

File:Note.png Note: Don't forget to save the changes you make to the file, upload it on your server and then stop and restart your server for the changes to take effect.

Creating a Custom Map Cycle

Creating your own custom map cycle is fairly simple. To begin you will need to find and open your maplist.txt file.

  • You can find this file in the following directory: FortressForever/maplist.txt

You will need to edit this file with your favorite editing program. If you are unsure which program to use you may want to look at notepad or notepad++.

Once you have opened up your maplist.txt you will see the default map cycle:


You will want to replace this list with a list of maps that you would like in your rotation.

For example you want ff_well.bsp, ff_monkey.bsp, ff_2morforever.bsb to be the map rotation. All you do is edit your maplist.txt file to include those maps.


Be sure to take note that the .bsp is NOT included when referencing the map in your maplist.txt file.

You will also need to make sure that you put your start up map at the top of the list. After that you can place the maps in any order you desire.

  • The current default start up map is ff_well but you may want to check with your server provider to confirm that this is the file they have set as your default start up map.
  • Another way to confirm is to stop and restart your server. You will then want to check, in game, to see what map is playing. Whatever map you see is your default start up map.
File:Note.png Note: Spelling is critical! The map names must match the file name exactly (without the .bsp). If these do not match your server will crash.

As always, once you are done make sure to save your changes, upload your maplist.txt to your server, and restart it.

Customizing Your Message of the Day

Uploading Maps

To upload maps to your server you will first need to have some basic knowledge of FTP programs. Once you have some understanding of the FTP program you are going to be using the process is fairly simple.

To start open your FTP program and connect to your server. Once there you will need to navigate to the place where you have stored the maps you wish to upload on your computer. Then you will want to navigate to the FortressForever/ directory on your server.

Generally the mapper will have a readme attached to his / her map files that will explain what files your getting and where they belong. The most common files you will see are:


File:Note.png Note: You will generally find these files located in a maps folder.

You may also see some other files / folders in there such as:

materials (folder)
vgui (Folder - materials/vgiu)
loadingscreens (Folder - materials/vgui/loadingscreens)

File:Note.png Note: These will vary by map and mapper. The specific map you are downloading may or may not include all of the above files. You may also see more files then the one's listed above. But do not worry.

As a server operator you do not really need to concern yourself with the files that are included in the zip file. All you need to do is make sure that any files that are included are uploaded to your server. If you miss even a single file you run the risk of crashing your server. So it is very important that you keep all files and folders in tact when uploading maps to your server.

Use your FTP program to upload the desired map(s) onto your server. Depending on the amount of maps you are uploading and the size of the files this process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. Don't worry though, just let your FTP program do all the work. Once it has completed check to verify that all the files have been successfully uploaded. If they have then you may close your FTP program.

If done correctly your new map(s) will be uploaded onto your server. To be safe you may want to stop and restart your server.

See Also