Lua:info ff script

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Revision as of 16:36, 7 March 2008 by Hirohito (talk | contribs)
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An info_ff_script is a point-based scriptable entity. If you are familiar with TFC's entities, this entity is somewhat similiar to info_tfgoals and item_tfgoals; however, the scriptability behind this entity makes it a great deal more flexibile.

info_ff_script entities represent items that can affect, and be affected by players. Such items might be the flags in a CTF map, or the armor, health and ammo packs in a respawn room.

These entities are placed in a map editor, such as Hammer, and must be given a name inorder to function correctly. This name will be used to tie it into the map's corresponding Lua file. So, whenever you put a named info_ff_script entity in your map, the game attempts to find a correspondingly named function in mapname.lua.

Part of the idea behind the functionality with this entity is the concept of creating a "base" item in Lua, and then setting the different values for different items that you might have. FF includes a number of pre-existing game-modes that require very little work to implement in your own maps; that is, assuming your map's gameplay mirrors the gameplay setup in the particular template you use. You'll simply need to add the appropriate entities, given them a particular name, and you're all set. More on that can be found by looking at the available map templates.


Let's assume you don't want to use one of FF's pre-existing base items, and you just want to make your own. For the sake of the example let's say we're setting up our own flag as a learning experience. First, put two info_ff_script entities in your map, and give them the names: myfirstflag and mysecondflag. Now, create a new text file, and save the file as yourmapname.lua.

So far, we don't have much of anything. We'll need to let Lua know that these entities are in our map. As you might expect, there's other options you can specify here, but this is our first script so we're going to keep it simple. This is how we'd get it started in our previously created Lua file.

-- This is my first base flag!
baseflag = info_ff_script:new({
       name = "base flag",
       model = "models/flag/flag.mdl",
       modelskin = 1

You're probably noticing that nothing in the above bit of Lua has anything directly related to the two named entities you put in your map. We're creating a new info_ff_script object in Lua, and setting some default parameters. For our example, the model won't be changing, but we have two flags and we're going to easily change it's name and skin. This baseflag is our blank that we'll copy and modify to create other team-specific flags that are sitting in our map.

Ok, fuck this for now, I'm tired.

Functions & Events

info_ff_scripts have various functions and events that handle specific behavior of the entity, or provide you information that may be useful elsewhere in your scripting.

Access to these various methods is typically in the following format:

function item:methodname( parameters )
  --What to do when this method is called
  --return anything, if necessary

Obviously, different methods will accept different parameters. Some methods may not take any parameters, or may not return any values. All of the passed parameters, returned values and examples of usage can be found for all of the info_ff_script methods in the following links.

Attachment Functions

These functions can be used to change the offset by which an item is attached to a player. These offsets are relative to the player's absolute origin. (?) (Patty, what are the conditions for these? Like, when do the apply and shit? You were talkin' about it one day, but yeah, this is just a description for the attachment functions. America, FUCK YEAH!)

Get Functions

Generalized description of Get functions, and how they relate to an info_ff_script entity goes here.

On Events

Generalized description of On events, and how they relate to an info_ff_script entity goes here.

Set Functions

Generalized description of Set functions, and how they relate to an info_ff_script entity goes here.

State Checking Functions

Generalized description of State checking functions, and how they relate to an info_ff_script entity goes here.

This shit below here still needs to be categorized like the above











