Command |
AddAmmo(Lua:Flags#Ammo, integer) |
Gives ammunition to the player
AddArmor(integer) |
Gives armor to the player
AddFrags(integer) |
Adds to the player's kill count
AddFortPoints(integer, string) |
Gives the player Fortress Points. String is an explanation for the points, eg. "Hunted Escape"
AddHealth(integer, bool) |
Gives the player health points. Negative numbers will hurt the player. If set to true the player will over-heal their maximum health.
integer GetFortPoints() |
Returns the player's Fortress Points.
integer GetFrags() |
Returns the player's Frag count.
integer GetDeaths() |
Returns the player's death count.
integer GetClass() |
Returns the class of the player as a number (0-9)
string GetName() |
Returns the name of the player
integer GetArmor() |
Returns the player's armor level
integer GetMaxArmor() |
Returns the player's max armor
integer GetHealth() |
Returns the player's health points
integer GetMaxHealth() |
Returns the player's max health
float GetSpeed() |
Returns the speed of the player
boolean HasItem(string) |
returns true or false is the player is holding the named Lua:info_ff_script
boolean IsFeetDeepInWater()
boolean IsInNoBuild()
boolean IsUnderWater()
boolean IsWaistDeepInWater()
boolean IsInAttack1() |
Is the player pressing his *primary attack* key?
boolean IsInAttack2()
boolean IsInUse()
boolean IsInJump()
boolean IsInForward()
boolean IsInBack()
boolean IsInMoveLeft()
boolean IsInMoveRight()
boolean IsInLeft()
boolean IsInRight()
boolean IsInRun()
boolean IsInReload()
boolean IsInSpeed() |
same as walk?
boolean IsInWalk()
boolean IsInZoom()
boolean IsOnGround()
boolean IsInAir( int ) |
Checks if the player is the specified number of units above the ground.
boolean IsDucking()
boolean IsGrenade1Primed() |
Player has a live frag grenade
boolean IsGrenade2Primed()
boolean IsGrenadePrimed()
boolean IsFlashlightOn()
integer GetAmmoInClip()
integer GetAmmoInClip( weaponname )
SetAmmoInClip( num )
SetAmmoInClip( weaponname, num )
integer GetAmmoCount( ammotype )
ReloadClips() |
magic reload!
boolean IsBot()
MarkRadioTag() |
No uses found
RemoveArmor(integer) |
Removes armor from the player
RemoveLocation(entityId) |
Clears the player's location info? Never used.
string GetLocation() |
Returns the current map location of the player
Respawn() |
Respawn the player.
SetDisguisable(boolean) |
Allow/disallow a spy to use disguise
SetDisguise(int teamId, int classId, bool isInstant) |
Changes the player's disguise.
ResetDisguise() |
Resets the player's disguise.
boolean IsDisguisable() |
returns whether the player is allowed to disguise
SetCloakable(boolean) |
Allow/disallow a spy to use cloak
boolean IsCloakable() |
returns whether the player is allowed to cloak
SetRespawnable(boolean) |
Send false to make players stay dead (unable to respawn).
boolean IsRespawnable() |
See above.
SetLocation(entityId, string, Lua:Flags#Team) |
Sends text to the player's location HUD. Team determines the color of the text.
SetRespawnDelay |
Probably should send this an integer or float.
string GetActiveWeaponName() |
returns the Lua:weapon_classes of the weapon equipped by the player, eg. "ff_weapon_spanner"
GiveWeapon(string, boolean) |
Give the player a weapon, specified by Lua:weapon_classes. If boolean is set to true, the player will autoswitch to this weapon.
RemoveWeapon(string) |
Take from the player a weapon, specified by Lua:weapon_classes
RemoveAllWeapons() |
Strip all the player's weapons.
boolean IsCloaked()
boolean IsDisguised()
integer GetDisguisedClass()
integer GetDisguisedTeam()
Adds a status affect to the player. SPEED_MULTIPLIER is used for altering the player's speed.
boolean IsEffectActive(Lua:Flags#EF)
RemoveEffect(Lua:Flags#EF) |
Cancels a status effect on the player
integer GetId() |
Gets the ID number of the player
integer GetSteamID()
integer GetPing()
boolean IsAlive()
Freeze(boolean) |
Stop the player from moving or shooting. Send false to unfreeze a player.
boolean IsFrozen() |
Returns true or false depending on whether the player is in a frozen state.
RemoveBuildables() |
Removes all the player's owned buildables ( List of buildables )
RemoveProjectiles() |
Removes all the player's owned projectiles ( rockets, nails, etc. )
RemoveItems() |
Removes all the player's owned buildables AND projectiles.
LockInPlace(boolean) |
Stop the player from moving, and disable their gravity. Player can still rotate and shoot. Send false to unlock player.
SetGravity(float) |
Sets the player's gravity.
float GetGravity() |
Gets the player's gravity.
SetVelocity( Vector(0,0,0) ) |
Sets the player's velocity.
GetVelocity() |
Gets the player's velocity.
SpeedMod(float) |
Sets a host_timescale type movement to the player's speed.
float GetSpeedMod() |
Gets the player's speed mod.
EmitSound(String) |
Causes the player or assigned entity to emit a sound. Make sure to precache sounds.
GetSentryGun() |
Gets the player's Sentry gun or nil if it's unbuilt.
GetDispenser() |
Gets the player's Dispenser or nil if it's unbuilt.
GetDetpack() |
Gets the player's Detpack or nil if it's unbuilt.
GetJumpPad() |
Gets the player's Jump Pad or nil if it's unbuilt.
SetFriction() |
Sets the player's friction similar to sv_friction