General Technical Functions |
IncludeScript(string) |
This function loads the contents of another lua file, located in FortresForever\maps\includes.
ConsoleToAll( message ) |
sends a message to server console. Inaccurately named--players will not see this.
PrecacheModel( modelfile ) |
loads a given model into memory for use later.
PrecacheSound( soundfile ) |
as above.
PrintBool , &FFLib::PrintBool |
RandomFloat( min, max ) |
generates a random float.
RandomInt( min, max ) |
generates a random integer
RemoveEntity( ent_id ) |
removes entity.
OutputEvent( entity, input, parameter, delay, x ) |
Triggers any named entity in the map using Source's I/O system.
SetConvar( player, var, value ) |
sets a player's console variable to a specified value.
Player information |
GetPacketloss( playerentity ) |
gets a player's packet loss. Woo?
GetPing( playerentity ) |
GetSteamID( playerentity ) |
Server Info |
float GetServerTime() |
Returns the number of seconds the map has been running.
AreTeamsAllied( team1, team2 ) |
Returns true if they are.
GetEntitiesByName(entname) |
returns a Lua table containing the matching entities.
NumPlayers() |
gets the number of players.
GetPlayers() |
returns a table (array) of all players on the server.
GetConvar( cvar ) |
returns the value of a console variable on the server(cvar).
string GetGameDescription
Server Effects |
SetGameDescription( name ) |
Changes what appears in the game column of the server browser (it is appended to "FF ")
For use in Lua:startup().
RespawnAllPlayers( ) |
Respawns everyone immediately.
KillAndRespawnAllPlayers() |
GoToIntermission( ) |
Sends all players to the info_intermission entity and shows them the scoreboard. Then, the map ends.
ResetMap() |
resets map.
set_cvar(cvar, value) |
Sets a console variable on the server
ApplyToAll( effect ) |
pass this a list of AT flags to apply global effects to the server.
ApplyToTeam( effect, team ) |
pass this a team id and a list of AT flags to apply effects to players on a team.
ApplyToPlayer( effect, player ) |
pass this a player id and a list of AT flags to apply effects to a player.
HasGameStarted( ) |
Returns false if the map is in prematch mode.
LogLuaEvent(int, int, string) |
Sends a message to the servers logs.
Game Rules |
SetGlobalRespawnDelay( time ) |
enforces a respawn delay.
SetPlayerLimit( team , # ) |
used to set player limit per team.
SetPlayerLimits( #, # ) |
SmartClassLimits( team, #scout, #sniper, #soldier, #demoman, #medic, #hwguy, #pyro, #spy, #engineer, #civilian ) |
sets class limits for the entire team.
SetTeamAllies( team , bits ) |
used to ally one team to another.
SetTeamClassLimit( team, class, limit ) |
SetTeamName( team, name ) |
Set a custom name for a team: appears on the scoreboard and team selection screen.
SetTeamPlayerLimit( team, limit ) |