Entity:trigger ff clip

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This brush entity is a Lua-configurable clip brush. It can be used to prevent certain teams from moving or shooting through an area, among other uses.

Predefined trigger_ff_clip

Name your trigger_ff_clip one of the following to use these standard clip brushes (case matters, so make sure your entity names are all lowercase):

  • clip_blue - clips everything except blue players (blue team "owns" the clip brush)
  • clip_red - clips everything except red players (red team "owns" the clip brush)
  • clip_yellow - clips everything except yellow players (yellow team "owns" the clip brush)
  • clip_green - clips everything except green players (green team "owns" the clip brush)
  • block_buildables - blocks buildables and buildable weapons
  • block_buildablepathing - blocks buildables but not buildable weapons
  • block_buildableweapons - blocks buildable weapons but not buildables
  • block_spawnturrets - blocks spawnturrets (turrets can't see or shoot through this)
  • block_nonplayers - blocks everything except players
  • block_backpacks - blocks backpacks
  • block_flags - blocks info_ff_script entities (flags are info_ff_scripts)

Custom trigger_ff_clip

Lua code can be written to define a wide range of behaviors for your clip brush like so:

clip_example = trigger_ff_clip:new({ clipflags = {
ClipFlags.kClipPlayersByTeam, ClipFlags.kClipTeamRed, 
ClipFlags.kClipTeamYellow, ClipFlags.kClipTeamGreen, 
ClipFlags.kClipAllNonPlayers} })

See Lua:Flags#ClipFlags for the full list of possible flags.