Game Type:Counter-Attack

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Counter-Attack is a game mode in which two teams (or more) generally have one goal. For the blue team, this may be capturing flags or taking points, and for the red team this may be stopping the blues capturing or taking points. The blues are awarded points for achieving their objective every capture (or whatever is appropriate) while the reds primarily score by denying the blue team.

However, the twist is that, every so often, the red team gets an opportunity to counter-attack and achieve a goal of their own. This could be setting off a nuke by having two players simultaneously pressing two buttons, capturing a point of their own, detpacking something and so on.

The game mode is essentially about balancing each team's strategies to eek out the best score. This could be achieved by going full defense and passing up the counter-scoring opportunity or taking an aggressive counter-attacking strategy.

Example: Blue has to take flags from their base into the red central area and capture them on the podium. Blue flag runners move at half speed. Each capture is worth 5 points to the blue team. The red team score 1 point for every 30 seconds that passes without a capture taking place. If the blue team fail to score for three minutes, a new route opens up around the back of the blue base that exposes blue's reactor core. If the red guys manage to detpack it, they get 20 points extra. The route remains open for 3 minutes.

You could do a lot with this type of thing but it would require quite a bit of playtesting to get the balance right.